Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about camp covering refunds, bus transportation, the suitability of camp, and more.

When will I know if I am accepted or will remain on the waiting list?

All notifications, both acceptance and remaining on the waiting list, are emailed on or about April 15. Please do not contact us for this information unless it is well beyond this date. Be on the lookout for the notice.

If I am on the waiting list, can I contact the Camp to see what my chances are of getting in?

No, please do not contact us. We have no way of knowing when and if an opening will occur. We will contact you when we have an opening and you will have a specified time limit to accept or reject.

If I am on the waiting list, does contacting the Camp increase my chances of getting in?

No, please do not contact us. We will contact you when we have an opening and you will have a specified time limit to accept or reject.

If I am on the waiting list and I know of a camper who has to cancel, can I contact the Camp to get that vacancy?

No, please do not contact us. We have several criteria that determine how we fill vacancies. See Application/Acceptance Policy.

If the payment for the Camp fees has cleared the credit card company or the bank, does this mean that I am accepted into the Camp?

Yes! Only Accepted campers have access to enter payment information and pay the Camp fees. Everyone will be notified as to whether they are Accepted or will remain on the Waiting list on or about April 15. See our Application/Acceptance Policy.

When should all of the money be paid?

All applicants are first entered into our Waiting List. No payment is required at that time. On about April 15 we will notify via email all those who are Accepted and those who will remain on the Waiting List. At that time, all Accepted applicants must return to their Active, Inc. account and enter their credit or debit card payment information. You can choose to pay in multiple installments which are automatically charged to your credit or debit card. All fees or a deposit must be paid by May 1. If this is impossible, contact the office to negotiate other terms.

If I decide not to go to Camp, can I get a full refund?

If we are notified by May 10 that you are not coming to Camp, you will receive a full refund less $25 per camper application fee to cover our expenses of receiving and accepting your application. If we are notified after May 10, a full refund less $50 per camper will be sent. If we are notified after May 26, there is no refund. All refunds will be sent after Camp.

Can I submit a specific request for a sports team or roommates?

Submit your requests for a camper roommate on your online application. We do not guarantee that your request will be honored. No requests for a sports team are accepted.

Is there a dress code that requires generally longer and looser fitting clothes than is currently popular?

Generally, yes! Our dress code is not totally based upon the current trends but a collective judgment as to what is modest and what will work the best for one week for campers from a wide range of views. Please plan your clothes in view of our guidelines. For more information, see Conduct & Dress.

Are there any rules or guidelines?

Yes! See Conduct & Dress, and Camper Talent Show Rules/Guidelines

Need clarification or our opinion on content?

Contact us via our information on the Contact Page.

Can I visit my child or friends during the Camp?

Unfortunately the answer this year is No! We want to maintain a camp bubble for one week to minimize any public health situations. We ask for your understanding and co-operation in this restriction. Also, one of the purposes of the Camp is to provide a safe and profitable week for a young person to be away from family and friends (some for the first time) in order to learn self-reliance and to make new friends. Your child or friend will have a lot more fun telling you all about their away from home adventure if it is all new to you. For more information, see Parents and Visitors Info.

What are the phone privileges at the Camp?

We restrict all phone calls to emergency calls only in our Camp Office. Please do not bring cell phones. If you bring a cell phone or any other internet connecting device, it will be taken up stored and returned Saturday AM. We want all campers to be fully involved in the Camp activities. We know every camper who is coming to Camp and will notify the parents of any camper who does not arrive at Camp on Sunday. Therefore no news is good news. For more information see our packing list.

When will the nurse be available for a consultation in regards to any special medical needs?

The nurse will be available during Check-In on Sunday afternoon. See Pickup/Dropoff. If you need a consultation before Camp, contact the Camp (preferably by email) and we will put you in contact with the nurse.

What if my child does not enjoy sports, is the Camp suitable for them?

Our sports program is planned and conducted with the understanding that not all children are good at sports. What we ask of all campers is that they participate; even if that means that they would rather participate by cheering for their team. We do not play our games for the benefit of the gifted athlete but with the view of practicing good sportsmanship, win or lose, and everyone having fun doing it together.

What if my child is a loner, is the Camp suitable for them?

All campers are expected to be fully involved on some level in all of our activities. That is to say that the daily major events are not optional but mandatory. There is some free time dispersed throughout the day to be by yourself if you want, but one of the major benefits of the Camp is learning how to interact with others and making new friends. We understand that not all children are as adept in this area as others and we try to help the less sociable camper to be fully involved in the Camp. Therefore we request that all parents discuss thoughtfully with their child whether Camp is for them. A child who is unwilling to interact with others will not be able to take advantage of the major strengths of the Camp.

What if my child is prone to be homesick, is the Camp suitable for them?

Homesickness is common for many children especially if it is their first away from home experience. It is our experience that the following can help:

Before Camp, begin to reassure your child that nothing important will change while they are away from home. You will know right where they are and will be there to pick them up after Camp. Note: It is important for you to be on time to pick them up. Reassure them that they, with their counselors help, will be able to take care of their needs.

Phone calls can delay the adjustment period of fully participating in the Camp and learning that many fun and good things can happen while away from home. Please do not call or text your camper directly. Emergency calls must be made to the Office.

Be positive and optimistic with your child knowing that this is just one of many stages of growing into a mature loving person.

Please know that if the situation dictates, we will feel free to call you for advice.