Packing List

What do I bring to camp?

In order to have the best week of the year, be sure to follow the packing list so you know exactly what and what not to bring.


Be sure to label all luggage with your name and address.

Please limit yourself to no more than 1 bag. There is so little room in the cabins. Under bunk clearance is 12 inches. Large trunks do not work. Duffle bags work best.

When using garbage bags for dirty clothes, label the outside so it will not be mistaken for trash!!!

Bed items

Bedroll, sleeping bag, or twin bed linens; blanket and pillow


Towels and wash cloths


Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, shampoo, deodorant (please), etc.

Sunscreen and a hat

Especially for those who burn easily. We will be in the sun a lot.

Paper Bible

Cell phones are not used (see below).

Softball glove (optional)

For those who are going to play.

Sunday Sack Supper

No Sunday evening meal will be served. However, drinks will be sold.

$30 spending money

Optional, much less is fine. This should be enough for all Snack Shack and Gift Gallery purchases. For younger Campers – Break up spending money into small amounts. Put it in the packed socks so you will have some each day. Only bring the amount of cash you are willing to lose.

Dirty clothes bag

Be sure to put your name or initials on it.


Only modest ones, please. You can bring a cover-up robe for going to and from the pool, or you can change at the pool.


Please only modest necklines and arm holes. No one is allowed to wear tank tops, muscle shirts, midriff shirts or very tight fitting clothing.

Two pairs of long pants or jeans

This is in case your shorts do not come to the kneecap.

Walking Shorts & Long Pants

You are permitted to wear loose fitting walking shorts, pants, or skirts which come to the kneecap. We ask your cooperation in this matter so that camp can be as harmonious as possible. If you feel that you cannot enjoy camp while abiding by these rules, please allow your spot to be taken by someone who is on our waiting list. We do not consider our rules as the standard for absolute right or wrong, but only as a collective judgment as to how a large number of young people can live in harmony for one week. We lovingly solicit your kind cooperation.


Shoes must be always worn when outside on the campground Athletic-type shoes should be worn for sports activities.

Rain Gear

Extra pair of shoes and rain poncho

What NOT to bring

Cell phones and internet connecting devices should be left at home. We want your full involvement in what is happening at Camp. If you bring a cell phone or internet connecting device, it will be stored and then returned to campers on Saturday AM. If your parents want you to have a cell phone for travel security, on arrival at Camp, please call your parents before Sunday evening worship assembly. After the assembly, a cell phone and internet free zone will be observed. This is a must! It will be enforced!

Radios, stereos, recorders, walkie-talkies, electronic games should be left at home. We will be making our own music and playing together. The only exception to this rule is for equipment brought to be used in the Talent Show.

Jewelry, expensive watches, rings, large amount of cash or other valuables should not be brought. The rooms will not be locked.

Water Guns, Shaving Cream, Rubber Bands etc. – No Water Fights Will Be Allowed. All equipment brought for these purposes will be taken up and held.

High Energy Drinks – These can be dangerous. There will be tasty and nutritious food in the cafeteria.

No weapons of any kind – This includes pocket knives.