Acceptance Policy
Grades 4-12 (grade completed by Camp time)
Acceptance Policy:
Primary Rule:
We accept all campers according to the gender and grade quotas we have set for that year’s Camp. In other words, we accept so many 5th grade girls, 9th grade boys, etc. We strive for a balance of the grades and genders. This is the first and primary rule we use and it takes precedence over all other secondary rules. Since we normally have more applications than we have beds, your application is not a guarantee of acceptance. We notify all applicants of acceptance or waiting list by April 15. We reserve the right to deny any application for any reason.
Secondary Rules
All Applications received on or before April 1 are treated equally as far as the date received is concerned. This is done to equalize the opportunity for all to apply.
For all campers who apply on or before April 1, this is the order of acceptance: 1st - Returning campers and their siblings. 2nd - Campers who were on the waiting list the previous year. 3rd - New campers. (Every year we have on average 70 openings for new campers.)
Preference is given to campers who are committed to a full week of Camp.
Waiting List – All campers who are not accepted remain on a waiting list and are contacted as soon as we have an opening for that gender and grade. Please do not contact us. More information is listed below.
Waiting List
Usually we have more campers to apply than we can accept. If you are not accepted, you remain on the Waiting List. As soon as we have an opening, we will contact you by phone. If you are not reached by phone, we will send a text message. If a response isn’t received within an acceptable timeframe, we move to the next person on our Waiting List. So during the few days between public notification of the Waiting List and Camp, please check your phone regularly.
Please do not contact us for more information about your waiting list status. For more information, See FAQ.